Diane Daniel over Dead End: ” Not far from an actual fisherman, an actor, playing a fresh-off-the-boat refugee, zigzagged from the shore toward the audience. What followed was a haunting, percussion-fueled duel between the panting immigrant and the guard, who banged on drums lining the stage. As the wind picked up and it began to drizzle, the man’s despair became all the more palpable. In the end, he fled into the dunes, not even returning for a rousing standing ovation.”
Diane Daniel over Lutine: “From our perch only a couple miles from where the disaster took place 216 years earlier, we could hear the pounding waves and survey the vast sea while the actors shared tragic and comic stories of cockamamie schemes devised to unbury the bounty of Terschelling. Thankfully, the island has plenty of other riches, much easier to access.”